C.O. Briefing – March 2018


Tim Brown – C.O. GPS

In February we lost another great guy, Colonel Marv Garrison, USMC (Ret.). Bob Olds has written a very nice column that describes Marv’s contributions to GPS. He will be missed.

Before I get to the meat of my column, I want to thank Bill Thompson for doing a wonderful job running the awards program for the SOQs. First, Bill approached the owners and/or managers of many local restaurants in an effort to obtain gift certificates for the “winners”. He was very successful this quarter. Next, he ran the program at our last luncheon with lots of help from Command Senior Chief Kirby Lee and others (see related article). Finally, Bill was able to get news coverage in three local newspapers in the days following our meeting. Big thanks to our Chaplain, Bill Thompson.

With the loss of former CO’s Marv Garrison, Mel Locke and Dave Newbro in such a short period of time, I want to remind you of your dedicated GPS staff, who work so diligently on the affairs of your organization. I want to thank them again for their selfless efforts on behalf of our members. I also want to acknowledge and thank our behind the scene workers for their valuable assistance: Bob Olds, Dave Franzen, Chris Kretsinger, Joy LeCompte, Viki Nazarian, Lance LeCompte, Anna McDonnel and Dolores Hardy. Bring a friend to our next meeting


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