C.O. Briefing – May 2018


Tim Brown – C.O. GPS

Just a short note this month. I really appreciate the continued service of your volunteer staff. When our meetings end and everything is cleaned up and I have time to look back on the day, I am always so impressed by what a small group of dedicated individuals can accomplish. I am so proud of what they accomplish every month.

Our challenge today is that the staff is aging and we cannot continue to carry the load all by ourselves. We need some more help.

Ray needs somebody to come in early to hang the banners, move the American flag to its proper place on the stage, and put out the table toppers (flags and table numbers). At the end of the meeting he needs someone to take down the banners, gather the table toppers and put them in a transport box. Not that hard, but Ray just can’t do it any longer.

Before the meeting starts we need someone to perform the duties of the audio visual specialist; i.e. set up the laptop and projector for the speaker to use. Then at the end of the presentation, box up the laptop and projector to go home with the specialist or me.

Finally, we need a person to be our photographer to take photos of the speaker, the SOQ/SOY, the winner of the 50/50, and anything or anyone else that Hal wants to put in the OpPlan. Since Dick Fields retired our photos have come from Hal, Vince, Dave and me. We use our phones in most cases and they work fine. Once the photos are taken the photographer has to get them to certain of the staff in a real hurry so he/she has to be familiar with sending photos over the Internet.

The above “job descriptions” are open for volunteers. Please help us all by stepping up to help. We really need it. Thanks and see you on 10 May, the 49thanniversary of my return to the “World”!


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