I hope that you are all healthy and safe. With all of the extra time that you have on your hands, do you have the skill (and memory) to write a short (1000 word) essay on an experience that you had while flying or while you were in the service? A flying/war story, an amusing incident, a narrow escape, a daring or stupid feat, or a lesson learned that you might tell your friends or grandchildren. Preferably it should be about Naval Aviation but it does not need to be.
Why am I asking, you wonder? We are not going to be meeting for a while – nobody knows for how long. We will not be posting information about our meetings and speakers because we won’t have either. I want to keep in touch with our members, friends and the public so that GPS doesn’t just disappear from everyone’s memory. Also, maybe the best stories might get picked up by Wings of Gold for publication in a real magazine, making the author semi-famous and GPS made active again/still on the national stage.
The process is simple. Write your story. Send it to Dave Malmad at dmalmad613@gmail.com; or print it and mail it to me at 5061 Marion Avenue, Cypress, CA 90630. Dave will review it, edit it or tell you what needs to be edited, and then send it to our Web Mistress for publication on our website and on our Facebook page. Dave will also select a few and send them to Dave Kennedy, the Editor of WOG to see whether he wants to publish the story there. Remember, he is short of material too. Nothing to say about Squadron activities, hence no columns.
Unleash your inner author! Send a story to Dave and let’s see where this goes. Maybe we can get a published author to submit something even though they will not be paid for their work. Just something short. Not a chapter of a book. Call if you have a question. My number is (562) 547-0780. Dave Malmad’s number is (714) 393-9656.