Let’s get together on Thursday, August 11 at 11:30 a.m., to meet and socialize at the Garden Grove Elks Lodge located at 11551 Trask Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92843.
Our speaker will be LTC Steven Lund, USA (Ret.) a retired Army aviator who served twenty-nine years in the military, with one tour in Vietnam (1968-69) flying helicopters. He has approximately 10,000 hours in rotorcraft and 6,000 hours in fixed wing aircraft. He has owned two Globe GC-1B Swifts and two Fieseler Storch replicas. His presentation is titled “Japanese Midget Submarines at Pearl Harbor”. Here is Steve’s synopsis of his program:
The spectacular aerial attack by the Imperial Japanese Navy on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941 is certainly one of the most iconic war-related events of the Twentieth Century. Consequently, the fact that it was actually a two-pronged attack incorporating submarines, both full-sized and the “midget” type has largely escaped the notice of the general public.
The presentation covers the role of the submarines in the Pearl Harbor Campaign. It will concentrate on the tactical plan as well as the technical aspects of the unique “midget” submarines that were employed to penetrate the harbor defenses. And finally, it will give an accounting of the fate of the five midget submarines employed and that of their crews.
We will order off of the menu, no buffet available.
Please contact Tim Brown at (562) 287-4846 or timb53@hotmail.com to make reservations. We need to know by 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, the day before our lunch, whether you are going to attend so that we may inform service staff for set up.
The Elks Lodge has a “no mask” policy right now.
We look forward to seeing as many members and old friends as possible.
Please let me know whether you intend to attend so we have the right number of place settings.
Tim Brown
Commanding Officer
(562) 287-4846