The Grampaw Pettibone Squadron were privileged to have U.S Navy Captain,
Jessica O’Brien speak at their monthly meeting. Captain O’Brien is the commanding officer at the Naval Weapons Station (NWS) in Seal Beach. In her presentation, she shared organizational and operational features and functions of the NWS.
Jessica O’Brien, a 27-year veteran of the U.S. Navy, is the first female commander in the base’s 78 years history. She assumed her duties in 2022, directing the completion of a $154-million construction project to reconfigure Anaheim Bay, and replace a World War II era ammunition pier. In her presentation, Captain O’Brien shared the information associated with the pier project, as well as other base improvements and enhancements.
The captain’s command responsibilities, covers the 5,256 acres at the weapons station, 1,200 personnel (civilians, military and reservists), management of 101 munition storage magazines and support for 54 surface ships homeported in the Southwest Region. In addition to Seal Beach, she also commands the Naval Ammunition Depot in Fallbrook and the Naval Sea Systems Command Warfare Center in Corona.
The completion of the new pier will allow for ships up to 840 feet long to be serviced. This compares to the older pier which could service ships no more than 510 feet in length. The new pier will allow two ships to be supplied and restocked at the same time. Additionally, increased shipping will require increased weapons storage magazines. Captain O’Brien noted that the new pier has been a long-term plan. Completion is recognition of the commitment, dedication and devotion to management of the base from old and new members of the base, including herself.
The base expansion includes relocation of the Navy Reserve Center to Seal Beach. This will add over 400 more personnel. Housing for over 500 military personnel (Navy, Army, Marine and Coast Guard), has undergone improvements. Both married and bachelor quarters on base or commercially managed outside the gate, have been upgraded with new A/C units, flooring, new paint, new furniture, appliances and long-term storage areas for bachelor housing.
The morale of personnel stationed at the base was enhanced by the base fitness center, now operating on a 24/7 schedule. Improvements and enhancements to the golf course have been completed, as well as a restaurant, snack bar, gas station, PX and other recreational choices. Additional recreational choices are being addressed to support the quality of life, and increase the participation of base personnel, active duty and retired military from surrounding communities.
Captain O’Brien detailed a list of accomplishments to answer the needs for military family life. Family Life Counselors at local schools can help navigate issues associated with not only the service members, but also their families. Childcare reimbursement programs, on-line counseling and training programs are available as needed. A life counselor or a chaplain will visit the base once a month. Recreational centers with upgraded technology-based gaming systems are being made available for personnel who enjoy spending their free time in front of a computer screen.
Captain O’Brien listed a series of recent accomplishments in the area of safety and security on the base. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Seal Beach Police Department and a Mutual Aid Agreement with Orange County Fire. A base-wide security program, fire and emergency management Navy headquarters assessment and improved hiring of Navy civilian police officers was also accomplished. Additional plans are in the works to address a new traffic safety program, complete jurisdiction changes with local law enforcement from proprietary to concurrent and implement drone usage restrictions with public comments. The base upgrades, new pier and harbor layout include; plans for a new public boat channel and restricted harbor control, as well as re-accreditation for the fire department. These changes will see the base fire department available for off-base community calls.
Recent environmental accomplishments included opening a new wildlife observation Deck and reinvigoration of the Restoration Advisory Board, which will increase public participation in environmental clean-up. Within the 5,256 acres, the NWS has 1,000 acres dedicated to a wildlife refuge, making it the only Navy installation in the world that has a National Wildlife Refuge inside a base perimeter.
Part of the environmental management presented by Captain O’Brien was the installation of four EV charging stations, recycling of unused ammunition rail cars and proposal to remediate the closed base skeet range.
Community outreach is a necessary component for the base existence. The base has been opened to the local community, to include public events such as a 10K run. The last time this occurred was before 9-11. A local car show was allowed parking on the base, along with other holidays events. The captain described the base personnel participation in local public speaking events, to promote base community presence and contribution.
Plans are being considered to have a ship remain in port overnight to be open for public tours. This will promote the navy and the base as a viable community member.
The Grampaw Pettibone Squadron thanks Captain O’Brien for her presentation and for taking the time to share the activities occurring at the Seal Beach Weapons Station.

L to R: Vince van der Brink- GPS staff, Captain Jessica O’Brien – Speaker, David Malmad-GPS PAO, Cindy Macha – GPS Staff, Tim Brown – GPS President